The article examines the implementation of effective business process management systems to ensure service quality and competitiveness of enterprises under martial law conditions, using the case study of EKOL LOGISTICS LLC. The research demonstrates that logistics companies face numerous challenges during wartime that require operational optimization: route changes, cost increases, warehouse relocation, resource constraints, and increased transportation risks. The study analyzes the company's key business processes, including order processing, transportation services, warehouse operations, and customs brokerage services. A detailed examination of process execution times revealed several inefficiencies and areas for improvement. The implemented optimization measures included reorganizing the order formation process, establishing new customer interaction regulations, updating cargo acceptance protocols, and implementing a staff training system. The research presents a comprehensive analysis of the business process optimization results. The overall efficiency of the "Transportation Forwarding Services" process increased to 60%, damaged cargo incidents decreased by 90%, and key operation times were optimized with the elimination of secondary losses. The optimization efforts focused on four main areas: streamlining order formation operations, implementing new communication channels with clients, introducing new customer interaction and cargo acceptance regulations, and reducing damaged product incidents through enhanced contractual obligations. The findings demonstrate that even under challenging martial law conditions, it is possible to ensure effective logistics company operations through systematic business process optimization, implementation of clear working regulations, utilization of new communication channels, and enhanced service quality control. The study contributes to the understanding of business process management in crisis conditions and provides practical recommendations for logistics companies operating in challenging environments. The research validates the critical importance of implementing effective business process management systems for maintaining service quality and competitiveness in modern conditions, particularly during periods of significant external challenges.
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