The purpose of this article is to determine the features of the promotion complex of B2B sector enterprises in modern business conditions. Research methodology. During the research, the following research methods were used: abstract-logical, systemic-structural, method of analogies, structured and unstructured observations. Findings. This article indicated the main factors that affect the peculiarities of marketing activities in the B2B sector. The main advertising channels used by B2B enterprises were defined. It was pointed out that most traditional advertising tools had lost their relevance for the B2B sector. Television, radio and outdoor advertising are used only on a spot basis or with a significant marketing budget. In contrast, digital marketing tools became the core of the promotion strategies of B2B companies. The main Internet marketing channels and tools for Ukrainian B2B companies were defined among the following: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Paid Search Ads in Google, banner advertising (Google Dipsaly Network, other banner networks and direct publishing on the websites), Video ads via YouTube, SMM (Social Media Management), targeting ads via social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok), email and messenger marketing (the most popular among them are Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp), marketplaces and listings. Characteristics and features of application for each of the promotion channels were given. The trends observed in the advertising activities of enterprises in the B2B sector were indicated. Dynamic changes in society and the complication of business conditions create new challenges for B2B marketing services of enterprises. Marketers need to simultaneously experiment with new advertising channels and ensure high ROI. At the same time, they often have to creatively adapt approaches from other markets, in particular the B2C sector, analyze their target audience more deeply and master new formats for submitting advertising messages. These changes lead to a new stage of B2B marketing development, which will make it more dynamic and creative, allowing enterprises to better adapt to new market conditions and consumer demands. Practical value. The results of the conducted research can be valuable for enterprises operating in the B2B sector for structuring marketing activities and increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities in the current turbulent economic conditions.
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