The article proves that a person is a source of knowledge, skills and innovative capabilities of railway transport enterprises. It has been established that currently the world and the national economy are experiencing transformational processes caused by the emergence of digitalization. This fact activates digital changes in all spheres of activity of railway transport enterprises. The transformation also affected human resources. The transformation of the model of social and labor relations at railway transport enterprises is observed, which causes changes in: the type and nature of employment, requirements for the professional competencies of employees, the model of personnel management, the system of personnel training and development. Transformations of personnel capital are taking place against the background of the introduction of martial law in the state, negative changes in the labor market of Ukraine. The pace of this negative process is catastrophic. The root cause of this process was the unsatisfactory financial and economic condition of railway transport. It is also necessary to note the fact that there is a shortage of qualified personnel on the labor market. In addition, the new law on mobilization makes adjustments to the interaction with candidates. Enterprises faced the issue of booking employees and checking military registration documents more acutely. Most employers have already booked their workers or are planning to book those who are eligible. And the presence of military registration documents has become a mandatory requirement for new candidates. On the other hand, you can also observe positive trends, because modern enterprises are investing more and more in their employees, from salary increases, training, insurance, etc. to improving the employer brand in general, trying to attract the best talents in the labor market of Ukraine. However, this is not enough at the moment, because all this is happening against the background of the critical financial and economic situation of railway transport enterprises. This conditions the formation of new concepts, forms and methods of labor capital management in accordance with today's conditions.
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