The article analyzes the internal environment of the health care sector. To study the internal environment of the health care sector, the method of building an environment profile was used. The composition of the factors of the internal environment of the health care sphere is determined, including: state administration, characteristics of financial and personnel support, application of marketing technologies, material, technical and organizational support, characteristics of management of medical organizations. Six of the most significant parameters were selected for each factor. The parameters of the public administration factor are classified by us as components of the internal environment because they are under the control of the subject administration (public authorities), taking into account the fact that the object of research is the industry. At the second stage of the study, a weighting factor (the importance of the parameter within the group), a point estimate of the parameter's impact on the further development of the industry, and the direction of the parameter's action (the strength or weakness of the internal environment) were determined for each evaluation parameter. The generalized assessment of the degree of importance of the parameter was determined as an application of the above indicators. As a result of the calculations, the Strengths of the internal environment of the health care sector include: state control, the number and level of qualification of medical personnel, the provision of medical facilities with working capital, medical materials, medicines and vehicles, the conformity of the type of organizational structures to the goals of the facilities, the distribution of powers of management, quality of planning and control processes at the institution level. One defines the Weaknesses: regulatory and legal support for the functioning of the industry, standardization of the quality of medical services, insufficient funding, the quality and quantity of fixed assets, the state of the network of medical institutions, the level of communication development, the assortment and service policy of medical institutions, the ineffectiveness of motivational measures and the processes of internal quality assurance medical services It is established that ten weaknesses and nine strengths of the internal environment are to be taken into account when choosing an industry development strategy.
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