Keywords: marketing strategy, customer-oriented approach, evaluation ofcustomer-orientedness, digital marketing, digital marketing tools


The essence and significance of the marketing strategy for developing hospitality enterprises in modern conditions have been considered. It has been proven that in modern conditions, the foundation of sustainable development of hotel establishments is the search for strategies and opportunities that will lead not to short-term results, but to achieving a high economic effect and increased competitiveness for a long period. The necessity of implementing a client-oriented approach in the formation of the marketing strategy of hotel business enterprises in modern conditions has been substantiated and has been considered aimed at improving the quality of services and meeting the needs of clients and is the most important competitive advantage in the conditions of fierce competition in the hospitality market. Factors of customer-oriented activity of hotel business entities have been outlined, including hotel staff, service users, service quality, hotel location, availability of infrastructure facilities, range of services, price, availability of a website, loyalty program, facilities for people with disabilities, and specifics the customer A system of indicators for evaluating the client-orientedness of hotel establishments within each factor of client-oriented activity has been outlined. During the study, three main methods of assessing customer orientation of hotel enterprises have been identified: survey; expert evaluation; collection, and analysis of statistical data. It has been proven that the most effective strategy for a company to solve the problems of growing competitiveness in the market is one that can meet the demands of the market by using a variety of means to meet the ever-changing demands of the client. It is well-founded that one of the most effective strategies is to use digital marketing tools that enable communication between producers/sellers and consumers regardless of space, time, or place. As digital technology enables instant two-way contact between producers and consumers, consumers can choose, order, respond, and even complain directly at any time and from any place. This activity can benefit from the use of digital media. The most significant advantages of using digital technologies are the rapid process of information dissemination and high frequency of contacts between producers and consumers, significant coverage of the target audience.


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