• L. Obolentseva O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: competitiveness, region, industrial complex, management, international experience


The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical aspects of international experience in managing the competitiveness of regional industrial complexes and the prospects for its use in the economy of Ukraine. As a result of the analysis of international experience in managing the competitiveness of industrial complexes from the standpoint of regional development, it has been found out that the competitiveness of industry is one of the most important factors stimulating an increase in the efficiency of the economy of a country and its regions. It has been clarified that the need to ensure the competitiveness of the regions is largely due to limited resources. There is a constant restructuring within the regions. The most successful territories attract and concentrate factors of production: investments, labor resources, technologies, etc. Today, the logic of the development of industrial competitiveness, in particular in the regional aspect, have to correspond to the challenges of international economic relations. The current dynamics of international economic relations shows the strengthening of the role of collective efforts in shaping symmetrical responses to the crisis phenomena of the world market. The adaptation of the experience of the leading countries in managing the competitiveness of the national economy, the economy of the regions, and regional industrial complexes is due to the fact that the trend towards the integration of the Ukrainian economy into the world economic space has intensified recently. The analysis of the world theories of managing the competitiveness of industrial complexes at the regional level has proved the feasibility of its use and adaptation to the realities of Ukraine. Increasing the level of competitiveness of industrial products and the use of modern management methods will allow entering international markets and ensuring stable development of the regional economy.


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Theoretical and empirical research