Keywords: monetary assets, cash flow, asset management, economic growth model, asset adequacy, asset liquidity


The pace of analysis and forecasting of activities should correspond to the pace of economic development, provide an opportunity to respond to changes in the external environment, help adapt to it, and develop a number of protective mechanisms for stable development and progress. The task of this work was to consider and justify the choice of an economic-mathematical system for modeling the monetary asset management system of a financial enterprise operating in the field of B2C e-commerce financial intermediation. To carry out the research, the following economic and mathematical models were analyzed: Leontiev's "Expenditure - output" model, the Harrod-Domar model, the Solow-Swan model - as the most popular models of economic growth. Leontiev's model is difficult to narrow down for the work of one enterprise, the smallest economic unit for which it is worth applying this model is the industry, so the input data is not enough for the full-fledged operation of the model for the enterprise. The Sollow-Swan model is focused on industrial production, which involves large production assets and personnel, the financial company has almost no production assets and a rather small number of employees is involved for process maintenance, so the input information is also insufficient to apply the model to this type of enterprise. The Harrod-Domar model was chosen for the study due to its ease of use, undemanding input data, and the ability to use it to build a model based on the Cash Flow report. A two-stage management system was build using the Harrod-Domar economic growth model, the first stage for profit forecasting based on commission income and expenses, which in turn allows forecasting of total revenue and obligations under commission contracts. The second model - for the forecast of net cash flow, is based on the change in profit by the amount of current liabilities. The use of the Harrod-Domar model for the development of the company's monetary asset management system is appropriate and has a number of significant advantages, the main of which are the relative ease of calculations and the high degree of reliability of the obtained forecasts.


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How to Cite
Chernousova, Z., Fartushny, I., & Lisovska, O. (2023). ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE’S MONETARY ASSETS IN THE FIELD OF FINANCIAL MEDIATION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (28), 79-86.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics