Keywords: economic research methods, small business analysis method, quantitative research method, qualitative research method, small business analysis


The economic literature has many studies that reveal actual issues related to the functioning of small businesses in Ukraine. Each conducted study is based, among other things, on the choice of a research method, which depends on the topic, the approach to the analysis of the problem, the availability and nature of statistical data. There are quite a lot of research tools, so the question of choosing and justifying the method of small business analysis is currently relevant both for a research scientist and for those whose practical activities are related to this field. The purpose of the article is to assess the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of small business depending on the context of the problem and to identify the most popular methods. Quantitative and qualitative research methods are considered in the article. The most common methods of qualitative analysis are identified, such as: the method of expert evaluations, methods of included and excluded observation, focused and in-depth interviews, case studies, and focus groups. The essence of these methods was studied and their main shortcomings were indicated in the article. An analysis of the most common quantitative methods of conducting economic research was also carried out. It was found that statistical, mathematical and econometric methods are the most popular among quantitative methods of economic research. The scope of their use is specified, the main disadvantages are indicated. The article provides a comparative characterization of quantitative and qualitative methods in such aspects as the scope and purpose of application, problems that are solved using these methods, and data presentation formats. The methods that are appropriate to use in the study of small business are proposed. It was found that the most common are quantitative methods, namely statistical and econometric. However, these research methods are unpopular in the practical activities of small business entities. It was concluded that the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods provides the highest efficiency along with the use of other research methods. Quantitative methods should be used to investigate systemic problems in order to test hypotheses, establish relationships, identify patterns and laws of small business development. Qualitative methods allow analytical processing of data that were collected in different ways and from different sources, qualitative methods can be used as an explanation of the results obtained when using quantitative methods.


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How to Cite
Priadko, I. (2023). THE SMALL BUSINESS ANALYSIS: QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (28), 74-78.