The paper deals with methodical approaches to the formation of a modern strategy for the commercialization of high-tech products of the enterprise. Abel's three-dimensional model is proposed according to the coordinates of: market segments; characteristics of needs; of technologies to determine directions for the implementation of the strategy of commercialization of high-tech products. On the basis of the method of pairwise comparisons, global priorities have been singled out and structural forms of strategic planes have been constructed, and prospects for their expansion have been determined. The guidelines for the formation of the commercialization strategy of domestic enterprises have been identified. The direction of strategy improvement is substantiated through the prism of the reconfiguration of the organizational and economic model of the mechanism, with the background components of information provision and control, active at all stages of planning and organization of the commercialization of high-tech products, highlighted. On the basis of the previously formed infrastructural macro model and the analysis of intra-corporate factors, an ecosystem of the strategy of commercialization of high-tech domestic products is proposed, which proves the possibility of synthesis of internal research of enterprises and exogenous determinants of the national innovation system. The conducted research made it possible to determine the concept of forming a modern strategy for the commercialization of high-tech products by domestic enterprises based on the approval of priorities in the areas of activity and the determination of strategic guidelines for development, taking into account the economic state of industries, information support, the product life cycle and international competitiveness, and to create an ecosystem of the strategy for the production and commercialization of high-tech production by domestic enterprises. Based on the results of the research, it is recommended that domestic enterprises apply the methods of generalization and implementation of the experience of innovative leader countries based on the structuring of their own capabilities and a dynamic system of determinants of influence on the formation of a high-tech product commercialization strategy.
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