Keywords: mechanisms, regulation, market, air cargo transportation, institutional development


The article systematizes the basic concepts of the organization of cargo air transport in terms of identifying the definition of cargo, their classification, determining the nature of dangerous cargo and the order of their transportation. The author's definition of cargo transportation by air transport is proposed, its general stages and details of the organization of cargo air transportation depending on the transport characteristics of the cargo are defined; its quantity; packaging; specificities, etc. According to the results of a statistical assessment of the volume of air cargo transportation of Ukraine, it was established that during 2018-2021 it increased due to international transportation, part of which is predominant. It is shown that the main part of air freight transportation in general and on international flights is irregular transportation. Instead, scheduled flights form the basis of domestic air cargo transportation. It was established that during 2018-2021, the dynamics of the total volume of freight turnover and the volume of regular transportation is described by the descending branches of the parabola. An assessment of the competitive mid-air transport market of the private air transportation market in Ukraine was given, the highest concentration was set, TOP-7 leading airlines were nominated, and they account for 90% of the air premium transportation. It is shown that a significant part of the air force in their structure falls on charter flights, transportation of interests for humanitarian missions and UN peacekeeping programs. The main determinants of the increase in the competitiveness of the airline carriers for international routes have been identified: the speed of trivality of the passage of transit procedures; simple rules and peculiarities of their application; the creation of aviation clusters with the participation of air carriers, sporadnies and supporters; development of information technologies. The experience and trends of introducing modern forms of logistics management by domestic air carriers are summarized: cargo transportation on passenger airline flights, reducing the role of cargo transportation by direct flights between two airports due to the development of transfer cargo flows and network air carriers using hub airports. The directions of implementation of the system of supranational documents by domestic cargo air carriers have been determined. It was noted that there is a trend in the development of modern forms of logistics management by air carriers: priority transportation on flights of passenger airlines, a change in the role of air transportation by direct flights between two airports for air development to transfer airfare flows and intermediary air flights from all airport hubs. It was designated directly the implementation of the system of supranational documents by air carriers.


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Economics and national economy management