Keywords: economic-mathematical model, production, analysis, optimization


The classification of economic and mathematical models is given in the article, their characteristics are analyzed. The essence of mathematical modeling and characteristic features of the modeled process are determined. The issue of using economic and mathematical modeling in business is considered. It is proved that the use of tools of economic and mathematical modeling helps to solve a number of practical problems, namely: streamlining the system of economic information, developing requirements for its preparation and adjustment to solve problems of planning and management; providing intensification and increase of accuracy of economic calculations, allows to carry out various economic substantiations of difficult projects; conducting an in-depth quantitative analysis of economic problems with the study of factors influencing economic processes and assessing the consequences of changes in the conditions of development of economic objects. The general concept of production function and tasks of economic-statistical analysis and modeling of production processes are formulated. Approaches to the creation of different methods for determining production indicators are analyzed. Expressions of partial and complete elasticities of production are obtained, which allow determination through average values of production function. The production process of the enterprise is described, its economic and mathematical model is created. The paper proposes an economic-mathematical model of optimization of production resources, taking into account the limits of resource costs by technology options, types of production organization and features of management. It is determined that the economic effect of management, optimization and production planning using this technique is many times higher than the cost of implementing the appropriate software and services for development and maintenance. The end result directly depends on the functionality of the selected model and the competence of the specialists involved. The disadvantages and advantages of using economic and mathematical models to optimize the operation of the enterprise are also considered. It is proved that the application of economic and mathematical methods makes it possible to obtain an optimal plan to increase the efficiency of production costs through the most efficient use of labor, material and financial resources, as well as the production capacity of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Kabachenko, D., & Andreeva, S. (2021). INFLUENCE OF USAGE OF ECONOMIC-MATHEMATICAL MODELING ON PRODUCTION PROCESSES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (20), 67-73.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics