• Oksana Horbachova National Aviation University
  • Yuliia Zaiats National Aviation University
Keywords: Stock market, investments, financial instruments, trading, securities, dividends, business, options, futures


The article is devoted to the study of the stock market functioning in Ukraine, finding the main issues and the appropriate solutions. In each country the stock market is an indicator of the development of investment processes and market reforms that ensure the sustainable development of the national economy. To date, there are several activities where the stock market plays an important role. As I have already mentioned, one of these activities is investment, because when investors buy the financial instruments, they directly ensure the transfer of their savings to the real sector of the economy, and it contributes the productivity`s increasing and the introduction of innovative technologies that are necessary for the economic growth. Another activity is the trading that is becoming very popular now. The goal of traders is to make a profit due to the fact that the rate of the asset will be changed. They do not pay attention to the various payments on securities: dividends, interest, etc. With this process, you can get a higher return than by investing, but the risk is also much higher. The third activity where the stock market is used is the business. Modern businessmen do this to increase the efficiency of their enterprise (company). In addition to this, it gives them the opportunity to avoid the price shocks in their activities. The options and the futures transactions will help them in this. Today, the stock market of Ukraine uses a wide range of financial instruments such as shares, government and municipal domestic bonds, savings certificates, government and compensation certificates, housing checks, investment certificates. But even this amount is not enough for the effective development of the stock market. The stock market has a lot of issues, and we have defined a couple of them. These are imperfection of law codes, low level of public awareness about the stock market and its functions, low capitalization of the stock market, insufficient organization of the stock market, lack of a well-developed network of the stock exchanges, underdeveloped system of the insurance companies. We have offered some solutions of them as well. Improvement of law codes, raising of public awareness about stock market, increasing a number of financial instruments, protection of investors' rights in the stock market of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Horbachova, O., & Zaiats, Y. (2021). STOCK MARKET IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (20), 62-66.
Money, finance and credit