• Tetiana Smyrnova Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: digital communications, enterprise, web analytics, factors, indicators, Internet communications, system, information


In today’s market economy, enterprise communications are the basis of sustainable transactional relationships. Today there is also a problem of complex analysis of elements of the communication system of the enterprise, clarification of communication and content of elements of organizational communications. Identifying the factors that affect the effectiveness of Internet communications and their effective management can create conditions for the most effective use of information available to the company to achieve its strategy and current goals, increase the market value of the company and gain competitive advantage in a dynamic market environment. The article analyzes the current state of global trends in the development and use of Internet communications in the activities of enterprises, as well as identifies factors and indicators that affect the effectiveness of Internet communications by influencing its sources and classifies the Internet communications tool by type of impact on potential customer. Web analytics is very important for the development of the organization and the evaluation of its work on the World Wide Web. It is web analytics that provides businesses with information about what users do on the site, how they navigate, what their actions are, and how they behave in general. Obtained in the process of viewing and studying statistical information about visits and site visitors allows you to identify the target audience, determine its behavioral characteristics and on this basis to make informed decisions to improve site content, optimize product offerings. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the web analytics process has many nuances and features for each project. Thus, web analytics can be considered as an effective tool for developing an Internet strategy. The purpose of the article is to study the main factors and indicators that affect the effectiveness of digital communications of the enterprise. The study identified the main factors influencing the effectiveness of Internet communications: Internet traffic, user search queries, PPC advertising, regular users, page traffic per visit, duration of visit, refusal of ordered goods and services.


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How to Cite
Smyrnova, T. (2021). FACTORS AND INDICATORS AFFECTING THE EFFICIENCY OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (20), 56-61. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/20.7
Economics and business management