Currently, in the world there is a complete virtualization of business life, which leads to the need for businesses to actively use new information technologies. The main task of digital transformation of railway transport enterprises is to ensure flexibility and efficiency of business processes, which will increase the level of competitiveness in the market in modern business conditions. The issue of choosing cloud technologies as one of the main factors in ensuring their competitive development is relevant for railway transport enterprises. Cloud technologies are means of storing and accessing data using the Internet. They are needed to solve a significant number of problems related to the optimization of operation and competitiveness of railway transport enterprises. The use of cloud technologies, as one of the advanced technologies in the digital society for information management and accounting, will allow transport companies to gain the following benefits - efficiency, mobility, flexibility, accessibility, self-service, information safety without additional redundancy, etc. The introduction of cloud technologies in the activities of railway transport enterprises will significantly increase the quality of transport services and increase their competitiveness. After all, the flexibility of the virtual environment will significantly change the nature of activities, increase reliability, availability, security, etc. by optimizing costs, increasing service speed, optimizing traffic routes, improving the interaction of different modes of transport, etc. In order for cloud technologies to work effectively, railway transport companies need to establish work by correctly geo-positioning delivery points, accurately enter all reference information that affects the calculation of the route and the optimal choice of rolling stock, namely operating modes, time for loading, unloading and reloading, rolling capacity, speed, working day, etc. Widespread introduction of cloud services will increase the efficiency of railway transport enterprises, ensure a high level of consumer satisfaction, and accordingly - will promote their competitive development. Regarding further research on this issue, it is necessary to study in more detail the reality and effectiveness of the introduction of specific cloud technologies in the railway industry.
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