Keywords: reverse logistics, recycling, return flows of material resources


This article is devoted to the definition and description of key features of management and organization of the reversible logistics system at the enterprises of Ukraine. For a long time, the issue of the development of reverse logistics and recycling systems in the industry of Ukraine is given considerable attention, but there have been no really important changes in this direction as such. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the necessary vectors of development of domestic companies as soon as possible. Waste management, as one of the components of reverse logistics, requires perhaps the most thorough research, as for a long time this component of reverse logistics did not find the necessary response among the management of Ukrainian enterprises. As a result, we have a huge number of industrial residues, of which more than 80% of materials are simply sent to landfills. Environmental friendliness of this waste is also a separate topic for research, as the control system for this process is too unreliable and inefficient. In this regard, domestic scientists are constantly conducting research on reverse logistics in general and its individual elements. The result of the scientists' work, in particular, is the creation of an algorithm for the management of reverse material flows and the separation of the main stages of the waste recycling system of the enterprise. Also, one of the main keys to a successful organization of reverse logistics can be called the continuity of information flow, the reliability of the data in which may largely depend on the efficiency of the entire waste management network. Having the necessary information about the state of material resources in the distribution channels, the company can take measures to prevent the generation of waste in its activities, such as using these resources in other processes and so on. At the same time, the company's recycling systems can be aimed at minimizing waste both in its internal environment (reduction of production stocks and reduction of the production cycle) and in the external environment (establishing closer communication between suppliers, consumers, etc.). That is, waste management systems can be quite multifaceted and combine components of both environments. In this case, we can talk about the possibility of creating an integrated management system for recycling flows, which will be the most effective and will bring clearer results.


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How to Cite
Dunska, A., & Shramko, N. (2021). FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF REVERSE LOGISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (20), 44-51. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/20.5
Economics and business management