Keywords: economic security, intellectual activity of personnel, personnel security, clusters, enterprise


One of the obstacles to ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is to reduce the intellectual activity of staff as a major part of the personnel component of the economic security of the enterprise. The introduction of assessment of intellectual activity of staff is crucial for the economic security of the enterprise. When forming a system of indicators that significantly affect the level of economic security of enterprises from the standpoint of assessing the intellectual activity of staff, to increase the informativeness and significance of the integrated indicator, a large number of diverse input indicators must first be grouped by a certain characteristic, namely: on groups (clusters: qualifications, abilities, opportunities), the level of intellectual activity of the personnel according to the Harrington scale is defined by an expert method. As a result of the assessment, high, acceptable, satisfactory, low, crisis levels are established, which allows to develop recommendations for enterprises on how to achieve acceptable levels of their economic security. The approach to assessing the level of intellectual activity of the personnel of the intellectualization of the enterprise should be individual and the most optimal for the relevant industry and for a particular enterprise. Therefore, due to the diversity and specificity of a single integrated approach to this is not and cannot be. The proposed algorithm should be aimed at, on the one hand, to stimulate the desire of each employee to work effectively, which, in turn, will ensure economic security, and on the other – to minimize threats from the company’s staff. Summing up the above, we conclude that personnel security is beginning to cover areas that were not previously taken into account. Assessment of the level of intellectual activity of staff is one of the safety factors in all areas of the enterprise, neglect of which can not only cause significant damage, but also destroy it. Information on the level of intellectual activity of staff becomes the basis for the development of recommendations for improving the personnel security of the enterprise from the standpoint of its economic security.


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How to Cite
Pavlova, V., & Khavrova, K. (2020). ASSESSMENT OF INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY OF STAFF AS A COMPONENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (15), 59-63.
Economics and business management