• Olena Kushneryk National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Keywords: hr-management, motivation of the management, HR management, hr-processes, productivity of the management


The importance of the research lies in the fact that today the concept of HR-management is becoming more and more important, namely, its influence on the personnel management system, in terms of personnel career promotion at en-terprises, as well as the growth of efficiency of labor productivity, which, in its turn, has a positive impact on increasing the importance of staff motivation and the importance of motivational measures to manage the career of enterprise personnel. In order to be able to find the way back to personnel management, to have an effective and efficient approach and prospects for future development. HR-management is increasingly nourished by the leaders of enterprises, in connection with a direct deposit of effective management of human resources and the productivity of the business and the ostentatiousness of business in general. Before the hr-fairies stand the conception of a diligent approach and a clear understanding of the processes to be undertaken. As human resources management is the main factor in the achievement of a positive result of the Company's work. In consideration of this, there is an urgent need to create innovative approaches to personnel management involving motivational factors, as well as to identify the need to provide hr-processes with productive personnel and create conditions for their participation in business processes. The purpose of the article is the research of the innovative pedestrian to the personnel management, setting the basic arrogances to the personnel management and hr-management, and even more urgent approaches to motivating the personnel, to steal a strong development of technology, fast adaptation of personnel to the flow of innovative, dynamic development of companies in the minds of unimportant. The primary and main tasks for HR management in hr-management system is a complex approach to the establishment of effective modal management. This model should cover strategic plans, information analysis, identification of factors and determinants of impact on the efficiency of labour and other indicators. This is due to the fact that the modern world dictates innovative views on existing hr-management practices. Though, all of these tendencies to produce new products up to hr - workers, and the very – are not only the administrators, which are reflected on the staff nutrition, and that, which is a good knowledge and foresight for the implementation of analitics, the formulation of conclusions, The problems and their causes are identified, with consideration of different risks and options to deal with them, a positive view of the future of the company, its progress and stability, as well as the ability to take responsibility for management decisions in general.


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How to Cite
Kushneryk, O. (2020). HR MANAGEMENT: AN INNOVATIVE PATHFINDER TO PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 125-129.
Economics and business management