• Nataliia Krasnostanova Odesa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
  • Rustam Stoian Odesa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Keywords: business process, stage, efficiency, human capital, enterprise, software, type, management


The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and generalize the conceptual foundations of business process management in enterprises at the expense of human capital. Effective management involves a focus not on individual functions and on through chains of transactions that span many structural units that constitute the business processes. Such a process approach to enterprise management allows you to concentrate on getting the end result of the process increases the degree of coordination of operations and accelerates business processes and improves the quality of work. However, some questions about the nature of business processes management in the enterprise remain unexplored in full to meet modern conditions, which proves the relevance of the study. The study used General scientific methods: dialectic, system-structural analysis and synthesis and generalization. The article examines the interpretation of economic category “business process” and recommended that it’s his understanding. So, we determined that the management of business processes is the concept of governance in which different methods are used for discovering, modeling, analyzing, measuring, and improving for optimizing business processes in enterprises. As a consequence, the management of business processes creates relations the relationship between the various business processes in the company and serves as the basis for organizational and technological chains aimed at improving documentation, resources, and processes. The essence of the management of business processes in enterprises, the advantages and efficiency of its use. The paper identifies and systematizes five stages of formation of system of management of business processes (design, model execution, observation, optima) and three types (integration-centric, human-centric, document-based). Researched and compared the most popular software for managing business processes of the enterprise. Considered four main elements of the management system of business processes from a technical point of view (process engine, business analyst, teamwork, flexibility). Further research related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the management of business processes in light of the business environment.


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How to Cite
Krasnostanova, N., & Stoian , R. (2020). CONCEPTUAL BASIS OF MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS PROCESSES OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 105-111.
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