• Iryna Strutynska Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • Lesia Dmytrotsa Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • Halyna Kozbur Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Keywords: digital economy, digital technologies, data clustering, survey of respondents, statistic techniques, business-structures of SMEs


Adaptation and transformation of business through digital are the major problem in solving the challenges of the global market. Information technologies allow any company to change its own business model to differentiate itself from the global market. Given the gaps in the statistical support for monitoring the development of the digital economy and building the information society, it is advisable to intensify the work of key stakeholders in the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept of the development of the digital economy and society of Ukraine for 2018-2020. The development of a system of indicators of digital business transformation, the provision of regular assessments of digital development and the introduction of regular, systematic statistical observations are particularly noteworthy. This, in turn, involves modifying existing statistical forms on the use of the Internet by the public and information and communication technology (ICT) at enterprises, and developing new indicators, methodological and organizational support for the collection and analysis of new data. Given the relevance of this issue, the article analyzes the method of collecting important data through a survey and the method of their analysis by the respondents' clustering method. An innovative statistical survey methodology was developed on the digital transformation of small and medium-sized business structures, namely: indicators were proposed, respondents were surveyed, data were prepared (techniques for their purification and further processing, including coding were proposed); respondents (business entities registered in the Ternopil oblast) were surveyed regarding their level of digital maturity; the data of the relevant surveys (studies) were elaborated by solving the problem of data analysis, namely, the clustering of the research subjects with the use of advanced information technologies of data analysis was carried out and the corresponding results were analyzed. The result of this research will be an in-depth understanding of the problems and the real state of use of digital by domestic business entities in their own business activities.


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How to Cite
Strutynska, I., Dmytrotsa, L., & Kozbur, H. (2019). METHODOLOGY OF DETERMINATION OF DIGITAL MATURITY LEVEL OF BUSINESS STRUCTURES BY CLUSTERING METHOD. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 188-194.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics