Keywords: fiscal space of the region, fiscal space of region’s inclusive development, region’s inclusive development, financial decentralization, fiscal policy, budgetary system, tax potential


The development of the region as a spatial system is conditioned by the differentiation of public needs and requires the financial resources mobilization, the optimal budget expenditures implementation, and government borrowing within budgetary constraints, which in a significant way influences the processes of formation and emergence of fiscal space fluctuations. The purpose of the article is to determine the nature and components of the fiscal space of regions’ inclusive development, to reveal the main determinants of its formation and to expand what are the guidelines and mechanisms of fiscal policy, budget order, and budget system, as well as the territory’s tax potential. The systematic and logical-structural approaches were used in the study – in conceptualizing the fiscal space of regions’ inclusive development; as well as methods of comparative analysis, systematization, and analogy – in revealing the nature and constituents of the study’s object. The article describes the essence of the fiscal space of the region as a space of interaction between economic entities and self-government bodies regarding the redistribution of financial resources of the region. The determinants of the formation and expansion of the fiscal space of the region are determined, namely: guidelines and mechanisms of fiscal policy, budget order and structure of the budget system, the size of the territory’s tax potential. In the context of financial decentralization, the expansion of the fiscal space of the region is achieved by increasing the real financial and legal capacity of local authorities, increasing the importance of their management decisions on the formation and use of budget resources, their ability to focus on enhancing inclusive development. Author’s substantiated vision of the concept of “fiscal space for region’s inclusive development” as opportunities for local governments to increase financial resources to achieve optimal expenditures focused on maximizing social well-being, achieved through a combination of economic stability, effective redistribution of regional budgets resources as a result of the socio-economic uplift of benefits. The practical significance of the study is that defining the nature and components of the fiscal space of an region’s inclusive development allows us to deepen our understanding of this definition and its purpose.


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How to Cite
Tsymbaliuk, I. (2019). THE ESSENCE AND COMPONENTS OF THE REGIONS’ INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT FISCAL SPACE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 166-171.
Money, finance and credit