The purpose of this article is to study and systematize the economic interests of the main actors of the labor market, as well as to highlight the economic indicators of the transformation of their behavioral models. In modern economic development, it is imperative to define universal models of individuals that can describe and explain the patterns of their behavior. Each scientific field, based on the accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge, offers its vision of such models. The issue of classification and universalization of behavioral models of individuals is becoming increasingly important in economic science. During the research the following methods were used: the methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and logical generalization – to study the economic indicators of the transformation of behavioral models of labor market actors. The economic interests of the main labor market actors (workers, employers, state) are grouped into common interests for all actors and personal (specific) interests. For each of the labor market actors, the directions and economic indicators of determining the level of realization of interests of the labor market actors are separated. The study concluded that rational behavior is not always a behavioral model of labor market actors. It is proved that in the economy there is a gradual transformation of behavioral models under the influence of not only economic indicators, but also intuitive judgments, cognitive distortions, asymmetry of information flows, actions of other individuals, which leads to deviation from the rational model of behavior. The practical significance of the results is that the study of the transformations of behavioral models of labor market actors allows us to predict the occurrence of deviations from a rational model of behavior, to determine the possible results (positive or negative) of such behavior, to assess the level of probability of its existence and the occurrence of these factors in a particular situation, to influence the existing behavioral models of labor market actors and to adjust them to obtain the most optimal behavior model.
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