• Andriy Hrytsayko Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: socio-cultural potential, socio-cultural sphere, socio-cultural development, level of trust, public administration, management mechanism


The influence of the laws and peculiarities of transformation in the context of socio-cultural development of the country becomes especially relevant in view of the economic and social instability in society. A number of socio-economic turmoil in recent decades (the financial crisis of 2004-2008, the social crisis of 2013, the annexation of Crimea, the war in eastern Ukraine, etc.) have had a particularly negative impact on Ukraine's economic development and economic growth. In modern conditions, the country's progressive development and its economic growth is impossible without the development of socio-cultural potential. Considering the heterogeneity of individual cultural and social features of the regions of Ukraine, the study of socio-cultural potential becomes one of the decisive directions of public administration on the path of stabilization and development of the country. One of the reasons for the success of the leaders of economic growth is to build a state model of governance based on the socio-cultural approach. Today, there is no longer any doubt about the use of socio-cultural potential as a factor of economic growth. Considering the heterogeneity of individual cultural and social features of the regions of Ukraine, the study of socio-cultural potential becomes one of the decisive directions of public administration on the path of stabilization and development of the country. The current stage of development of society as a socio-cultural system is accompanied by profound changes in all spheres of public life. Today, the study of both mechanisms for managing socio-cultural potential and its components, and therefore based on them analysis and forecasting the development of individual countries and regions, does not raise any doubts, but rather gives the possibility of long-term comparative economic analysis. That is why there is an objective need to analyze the best world practices in managing the socio-cultural potential of the country and to use this experience to build an effective domestic model. However, the implementation of these reforms should not only occur as a mechanism for borrowing world practices, but, first and foremost, through the lens of analyzing the socio-cultural characteristics of the country as a whole and the socio-cultural potential of individual regions of the country. On the basis of the analysis it is necessary to form a system of socio-cultural indicators (indicators) that will allow to quantify the socio-cultural characteristics of different regions and regions of Ukraine. Reforms and governance of the country should only be undertaken in the light of these features.


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How to Cite
Hrytsayko, A. (2019). MECHANISM FOR MANAGING THE SOCIO-CULTURAL POTENTIAL OF THE COUNTRY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 121-128.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy