The article discusses theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of project management structures within the existing organizational management structure, based on quality management standards. Successful development and implementation of projects at enterprises require the application of modern principles and standards for professional activity and management of both projects and the enterprise as a whole. In the absence of a process-based approach to project management, their implementation takes place within the existing organizational structure, which is mostly not sufficiently adapted to the needs of project activity. The purpose of the article is to investigate the importance of global quality management standards for project activity management at an enterprise, as well as methodological approaches to design a project management structure based on these standards on a specific enterprise basis. The initial postulates of formation defined the methodological foundations of the world practice of quality project management (PMP, TQM) and quality standards (ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 22000). Standards regulate the management system for any industry and the specifics of the activity, are general principles that are built on the modern management theory and the best experience of leading companies. Their application is becoming more widespread for Ukrainian enterprises, in particular for PrJSC “Firma “Poltavpyvo”. The key characteristics of these standards and their relationship with the effectiveness of business processes are outlined. Levers and tools of influence of management standards on increase of efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise, its project activity in particular are defined. Formation of a project team for PrJSC “Firma “Poltavpyvo” is proposed, by involving the main contractors from the existing organizational structure of management, in accordance with the requirements of quality management. The new structure envisages expert posts to be served by the Deputy Director-General for Technical Development and General Affairs, as well as the Head of Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beverages. They will carry out specialized tasks on their subject matter and will advise the project manager on their competence. The activities also include the creation of centers of responsibility, which will ultimately allow the company to provide significantly higher quality project management.
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