Keywords: enterprise, economic security of enterprise, scientific research, vector of scientific researches, directions of scientific researches


The modern domestic enterprise operates in the conditions of development of various transformation processes, complicated by world globalization of economy and processes of European integration. The aggressiveness of the environment and the acceleration of the pace of internal transformation create the need for protection against threats and dangers. The correct choice of the vector of research of the system of the economic system of the enterprise, its provision, evaluation and remedies determines the usefulness of its results for modern business and the economy of the country as a whole. The article is devoted to the review of modern scientific researches in the field of economic security of the enterprise, which indicates the relevance of its topics. The study used the methods of review and structural analysis, the method of generalizing the results. According to the results of the structural analysis, the structure of economic security research is defined and a brief description of each element is given. The basic structure of fundamental author's achievements (dissertations, monographs, textbooks), which is most commonly used by domestic scientists, is outlined. The results of the survey and sample analysis of scientific preferences for 2009-2019 are presented in view of the available information resources. The vectors of modern scientific achievements concerning the economic security of the enterprise are highlighted: research of theoretical aspects of the system; research on individual functional components; research of economic security of enterprises of different industries; research by specific fields of activity; research on individual types of enterprises; research on different conditions of the economic environment of the enterprise. According to the results of the analysis and systematization of the obtained results, the author draws conclusions about the relevance of the research in the direction of improving the economic security of the enterprise. The author emphasizes the urgency of an in-depth study of the problems and features of the economic security system for food industry enterprises, taking into account specific sectoral features.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, H. (2019). ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE: A VECTOR OF ACTUAL RESEARCH RESEARCH. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 87-93.
Economics and business management