• Alexander Pirіashvіlі State Organization «Institute of the Economy and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
  • Vera Ovchinnіkova State Organization «Institute of the Economy and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
Keywords: production infrastructure, railway transport, rolling stock, investments, modernization


The article is devoted to pressing issues that hinder the innovative development of the country's railway transport, timely modernization and updating of rolling stock. The article discusses issues related to the updating and modernization of the rolling stock of the country's railway transport in the context of reforming this sector of the production infrastructure. In the process of this research, the authors used a systematic approach, an integrated approach, an analysis and synthesis method. The number of domestic and foreign scientists are given who consider these problems in their scientific works and classify the areas of scientific research. The characteristic is given to the current state of the rolling stock in the railway transport in Ukraine. The structural elements of railway transport are considered and the main components of this sector of the production infrastructure of the national economy are highlighted. The general scheme of the main components of the country's railway transport infrastructure at the present stage of development is given. The main and auxiliary components of the country's railway infrastructure are highlighted, and the main function of railway transport in modern conditions is also determined. The characteristic of individual norms of legislative support of the development problems is given. The characteristic of the ongoing reforms in the railway transport in modern conditions is given. The distribution of the rolling stock of the Ukrainian railway transport by years of production is analyzed and the conclusion is made that the rolling stock fleet is significantly outdated. The issue of investment support for the development of the railway transport of Ukraine at the present stage of development is considered. It is concluded that it is necessary to ensure targeted use of financial resources allocated for the development and modernization of the railway transport in the country. In a practical aspect, the results obtained should be taken into account when developing system software for the development of the railway transport infrastructure of Ukraine based on the introduction of an innovative development model.


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How to Cite
PirіashvіlіA., & OvchinnіkovaV. (2019). PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION ON THE RAILWAY TRANSPORT OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 74-81.
Economics and business management