The article defines that increasing the competitiveness and ensuring sustainable development of railway transport enterprises requires a comprehensive improvement of the processes of implementing their services. Attention is focused on the discrepancy between the services of railway transport enterprises to the criteria of sustainable development in terms of technical condition, reliability and safety, logistics efficiency, resource saving and customer orientation. It is taken into account that the digital transformation of the economy has accelerated the spread of the platform business model, where the digital platform is a complex information system that provides the functions of interaction between market participants, it is open for use by customers and partners, including application developers, service providers and agents. It is determined that the digital platform allows economic agents to actively use the opportunities formed within the digital economy. They increase the efficiency of business processes, provide fast and reliable communications, create opportunities for the development of the sharing economy and the formation of new ways of creating value and mechanisms for interaction and exchange between economic agents, while reducing the role of geographical, temporal and other factors that affect socio-economic processes, institutions and phenomena. A multi-sided digital platform is defined as a progressive and promising form of business existence, since it is a free market model. It was found out that the development of multi-party platforms at railway transport enterprises allows them to implement the following functions: magnet; collector, analyzer and sources of market information; pimp (machmaker); intermediary-representative; guarantor-guarantor; innovation workshop; leader-innovator. It is concluded that for the successful operation of the digital platform must meet the following organizational conditions: the list of transport services, the pricing policy for these services and payment procedure; developed pricing and payment for services; developed work procedure all visitors, including clients and partners must register at the site and to obtain appropriate remedies; defined and technically implemented the interaction of information systems departments of enterprises of railway transport.
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