Regional development agencies ensure that government, business and the public are coordinated and integrated in the process of developing strategies for both businesses and communities. The purpose of the article is to review the principles, goals and functions of regional development agencies and to substantiate the institutional role of subregional development agencies in regulating enterprise development strategies and integrated territorial communities. A more sophisticated model for the formation and strategic management of regional policy for successful decentralization is proposed, with a focus on subregional development agencies (SDA), which are governed by the Regional Development Agency (RDA), administrative resources and science. The goals and functions of the SDA must be in accordance with the following principles of national and regional policy implementation: legality, cooperation, parity, openness, subsidiarity, coordination, unitarity, historical continuity, ethno-cultural development, sustainable development, objectivity. Comparison of the functions of the RDA and the SDA has been carried out, the complementarity of functions and their compliance with the principles of the implementation of the state regional policy have been revealed, while the main functions of generating, providing, communicating and monitoring the implementation of strategic goals should be performed by subregional development agencies at the expense of the consolidation of the industrial and social capital. Agency functions cover a wide range of activities: development planning; from the organization; motivation, community involvement and image formation; on coordination; on control. The following SDA tools have been identified to promote business development in the integrated territorial communities: promoting innovation, promoting exports, attracting investment, and developing business incubators. The proposed architecture of the SDA will allow to form and provide development of poles and points of economic growth of the united territorial communities in the conditions of sustainable development.
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