• Nadjib Fertas Kryvyi Rih National University
Keywords: resources, potential, enterprise, resource potential of the enterprise, production potential of the enterprise


The crisis situation of the Ukrainian economy, which is significantly reflected in the efficiency of conducting business activities of virtually all enterprises, requires a more careful approach to the use of resources available to economic entities or which can be attracted. Determination of resource potential is one of the main prerequisites for rational and efficient use of enterprise resources. Unfortunately, there are no clear and thorough approaches to defining directly the economic category of «resource potential» in Ukrainian and world science, there is confusion with production, economic potential and so on. All this makes it impossible to build a qualitative and effective system of assessment and management of the resource potential of the enterprise, and therefore reduces the chances of its effective development. According to the results of the study, we believe that the resource potential should be calculated not as a simple arithmetic sum of available resources, but as a complex set of resources that will be used in combination with the conditions of complementarity and possible interchangeability in the production process. It can be said that the resource potential characterizes the potential for the use and consumption of resources in the process of economic activity of the enterprise. At the same time, it should be noted that for each entity the potential for the use of a particular type of resource is different. One reason is the different availability of certain resources at the moment (financial, human resources, etc.). That is, what is easily achievable for one enterprise in terms of attracting a certain type of resource is unrealistic for another. This is one of the reasons for assessing the resource potential of the enterprise, which is a further goal of our scientific work. It is proved in the work that the resource potential of the enterprise is a set of material, intangible, labor, financial resources that are available and which are hypothetically possible for real attraction, which are used and will be used in order to achieve the current and strategic goals of the enterprise, increase its competitiveness and efficiency of activity.


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Economics and business management