• Оleg Gavrysh National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1961-3267
  • Yuliia Lopatynska National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: innovation, evolution, innovativeness, economy, agricultural sector, institutional determinants


Internal auditors’ roles: From watchdogs to helpers and protectors of the top manager. Article analyzes evolutionary aspects of the innovative development of the economy and the agrarian sector with the indepth study of intersectoral theoretical assessments of the socio-economic systems innovativeness problems. Historical aspects of the theoretical framework of innovation theory evolution, as well as innovation role approval in ensuring the constructive interaction of productive forces and the development of production relations, are characterized. Aspects of the development of science in the study of the foundations of the institutional spread of the innovation concept in the entrepreneurial model of economic relations are highlighted. Systematic presentation of the characteristics of the category-conceptual apparatus of the innovation theory is presented, and its relationship with the agrarian problem is determined. Theoretical and methodological assessment of a retrospective analysis of the innovation theory evolution on the basis of philosophical, social and economic knowledge about the innovation criterias are proposed. Theoretical framework on connection between innovation and entrepreneurship as the main determinant of ensuring scientific and technological progress in the economy and society is presented. Historical and evolutionary analysis of theoretical provisions on the foundations of innovative development in connection with institutional conditions and principles of socio-economic management is made. Interdisciplinary assessments of innovative theory institutionalization in the system of knowledge about the world, economy, and economic relations are made. Research vision of the connection of knowledge about innovations with the ideology of a market economy, competitiveness in the entrepreneurial mechanism of social development is presented. Historical context of the effectiveness of scientific and technical activities highlighting inventions and breakthrough discoveries in the agricultural sector is presented. Systemic importance of the problem of innovation for the development of science and business practices with its place in the scientific researches indication - representatives of various schools in economic science is proved. Assessment criterias are defined for the role of institutional determinants of innovation in the development of mankind, ensuring scientific and technological progress and organizing the satisfaction of social needs.


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How to Cite
GavryshО., & Lopatynska, Y. (2019). EVOLUTION FUNDAMENTALS OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 39-45. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/230
Economics and national economy management