Keywords: foreign investment, Germany, state regulation, investment activity, innovative activity, monetary police, tax policy


The purpose of the article is to summarize information on the optimization of the economic mechanism of state management of foreign investment flows. The relevance of the study is the need to systematize the use of economic levers to stimulate the state direct and portfolio foreign investment. Methods of systematic and historical analysis were used in the study. Among the empirical methods used classification, grouping and description of the study results. The article defines that the goals of state regulation of foreign investments are to increase the volume of foreign investments and direct them to priority branches of industrial production. It is established that the principles of consistency, continuity and coherence should be the basic principles of foreign direct and portfolio investment regulation. By means of systematic analysis, the wrong directions of directing foreign investment funds into the spheres and industries of Ukraine’s economy were determined. It is found that the main goal of state regulation of foreign investment flows into the Ukrainian economy has not been achieved, as there is no increase in the volume of foreign investments in priority areas of industrial production development. The problems of the legislation concerning direct and portfolio foreign investments are specified. The effectiveness of direct and indirect methods of economic regulation of money supply in the economy is analyzed and how it indirectly affects the growth of foreign investment in the country’s economy. Measures to improve indirect methods of economic regulation of foreign investment and the tax system have been proposed. In particular, the need to develop the money market to stimulate the direct and portfolio investment in the sphere of production of products with a high degree of processing is pointed out. The use of tax benefits is specified. The advantages of accelerated depreciation and tax credits are offered among other tax methods of stimulating both direct and portfolio foreign investments. It is determined that the goals of state regulation of foreign investment processes in the Ukrainian economy through direct regulation of money supply have not been achieved in previous years.


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How to Cite
Shevchenko, L. (2019). ECONOMIC METHODS FOR MANAGING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN UKRAINIAN ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 9-16.
World economy and international economic relations