• Volodymyr Velychko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy
  • Evgen Grytskov O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy
  • Dmitriy Zubarev O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy
Keywords: social corporate responsibility, stakeholders, construction enterprises, level of stakeholder relations, system factors, economic and mathematical modeling


The relevance of the study on the definition and formation of social corporate responsibility in the system of interaction with stakeholders of construction enterprises is proved. The aim of the study is to determine the quantitative basis for the formation of social corporate responsibility in the interaction system of stakeholders of construction enterprises. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: determination of stakeholders of construction enterprises; the implementation of economic and mathematical modeling of systemic factors of the level of stakeholder relations affecting the formation of social corporate responsibility of construction companies. The types of stakeholders and the systemic factor determining the stakeholders who interact in the system of formation and implementation of social corporate responsibility are determined. The proposed areas of economic and mathematical modeling of the influence of systemic quality factors and the level of fulfillment of contractual obligations, the level of interaction of the studied construction enterprises with various groups of stakeholders, the formation and implementation of corporate governance of construction enterprises to ensure interaction with stakeholders, factors ensuring the interaction of stakeholders in the context of the formation and implementation of strategic directions functioning of construction enterprises yaty determines the socio-economic and other ovatsiyny level of construction companies, which are provided by the reaction of stakeholders, a factor of the strategic state of construction enterprises at the level of stakeholder relations. The results of economic and mathematical modeling of the level of stakeholder relations affecting the formation of social corporate responsibility are presented. The criteria characterizing the adequacy of economic and mathematical models of the influence of systemic factors on the formation of social corporate responsibility of construction enterprises are presented. A quantitative basis has been formed for the formation and implementation of social corporate responsibility of construction enterprises through the application of expert analysis methods and economic and mathematical modeling.


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How to Cite
Velychko, V., Grytskov, E., & Zubarev, D. (2019). SOCIAL CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY IN THE SYSTEM OF INTERACTION WITH STAKEHOLDERS OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 70-76.
Economics and business management