• I. V. Perevozova Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • D. D. Perevozova Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • A. V. Plychtyak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: diagnostics, manager, organization, labor, principles, middle link, working time fund


The article is devoted to the analysis of the efficiency of the organization of work of the heads of the middle level institutions of higher education in a combination of teaching activities and direct responsibilities of the head. The photo of working time in three directions is analyzed: indexation of working time expenses by types of work, indexation of working time expenses by the content of labor, indexation of expenses of working time by the nature of activity. The analysis of working time expenditures is carried out in the following directions: the extensive use of working time (coefficient of extensiveness, reflecting the use of the working time fund: without taking into account the time for rest and personal needs, and taking into account the time for rest and personal needs, the coefficient of time losses, due to violation of the working regime ); the rationality of the use of working time (time coefficient of preparation and final work, coefficient of time of the main work, time coefficient of organizational and administrative work, coefficient of creative work time, coefficient of formal logic, coefficient of performance). Diagnostics of the scientific organization of work of the head of the middle level of institutions of higher education and the analysis of mental labor are carried out by the method of self-diagnostics of the individual. The scientific principles of work of the heads of the middle level institutions of higher education, namely: complexity, systemic, regulation, specialization, stability, purposeful creativity, are singled out. In considering the emotional state of the heads of the middle level institutions of higher education found that they are able to successfully manage their emotions, which is important in this specific work. It is determined that uninteresting work negatively affects the emotional state of mental work of managers of the middle level of higher education institutions. The method of diagnosing the level of organization and equipping the work place of the head of the middle level of institutions of higher education is proposed, which will allow to comprehensively analyze the organization of work of the heads of the middle level of institutions of higher education.

How to Cite
Perevozova, I. V., Perevozova, D. D., & Plychtyak, A. V. (2018). DIAGNOSTICS OF LABOR ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE MANAGERS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 168-176. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/83
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