• О. Nakonechna International University of Finance
Keywords: Islamic bank, Musharakah, Sukuk, Mudaraba, Murabaha, Salam, Gharar, Maysir, Riba


This article covers the study of the process of formation and development of Islamic banking environment in the global financial system. Special attention is paid to philosophy, values, principles and peculiarities of the Islamic banking sector. Detailed analysis of the products of Islamic banks has been carried out; main restrictions applied to banking operations, prohibiting speculative behaviour, unjustified risk and provision of income that does not lead to real increase in the well-being of the society, have been defined. The experience of Islamic banks in non-Muslim countries is revealed and main obstacles to its implementation into Western financial culture are listed. Based on the generalized practice of the development of Muslim finance environment, the advantages and disadvantages of Islamic banking system operation have been substantiated. The study results allowed us to suggest a series of measures on the prospects of introducing the products of Islamic banks into the domestic banking system as alternative sources of financing of economic development.


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How to Cite
NakonechnaО. (2018). SPECIFIC FEATURES OF ISLAMIC BANKS’ FUNCTIONING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 158-167. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/82
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