• O. Zinchenko Kryvyi Rih National University
  • S. Korolenko Kryvyi Rih National University
  • R. Korolenko Kryvyi Rih National University


The aim of the work is to improve theoretical and methodical approaches to the management of foreign economic activity in terms of their financial, economic and organizational tools.
The subject of the research is the methodology of forming the mechanism of management of foreign economic activity of enterprises.
The following methods of scientific research, such as system, deduction, graphic, synthetic analysis, etc. are used in the work.
In the work on the basis of the analysis of scientific research on the definition of the concepts of "economic mechanism", "financial mechanism" defined the concept of economic and financial mechanism of the enterprise. The interrelation and interdependence of economic, financial and organizational activity of the enterprise are outlined. The proposed methodology for the classification of characteristic features of the economic and financial situation of the enterprise is developed. The algorithm of the policy of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprise is developed. The methodical approaches to the development of the organizational mechanism of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise have been improved.
Proceeding from the peculiarities of the current state of economic and financial management, as well as the requirements of the regulatory framework for the subordination of economic and financial processes, it has been proved that financial activity is a component of economic activity. Financial, organizational and other processes are components of economic processes in the enterprise. As components of the economic mechanism (or the mechanism for managing economic processes in the enterprise) can be considered as financial, operational, investment components, and organizational component. The development of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of foreign economic activity will solve the following important tasks: to identify and eliminate problems in this process, to increase the internal competitiveness of the enterprise, to ensure higher incomes of the enterprise. The results of the work can be used in the field of enterprise management.


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How to Cite
Zinchenko, O., Korolenko, S., & Korolenko, R. (2018). ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 150-157. Retrieved from
Practice innovation and entrepreneurship