• V. V. Dergachova National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Y. O. Koleshnia National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: alternative energy, renewable energy sources, agro-industrial complex, biomass, economic security, energy security


The article is devoted to the study of the role of the agro-industrial complex in alternative energy generation and the establishment of the relationship between energy generation and economic security of enterprises. The analysis shows that on the basis of agricultural enterprises it is possible to generate energy from different sources, depending on the country of placement, using such renewable energy sources as wind, sun, waste, manure, biomass and energy crops. It is proved that for the agroindustrial complex, alternative energy is a means of reducing costs, reducing the level of environmental pollution and source of additional income. For Ukraine, the most promising is the use of biogas, as evidenced by the presence of biogas plants in most large agro-industrial enterprises. The research of publications by foreign scientists and statistics showed that agricultural enterprises, including Ukrainian ones, did not consume much energy (the share of electricity costs in the cost price was less than 1%), but it has significant prospects for its generation from its own resources. The links between agricultural enterprises and energy have been investigated. The analysis of statistical data has shown that the number of biogas installations is constantly increasing, while biogas using from agriculture is intensifying. The influence of energy generation under the conditions of the functioning of the new electricity market on the components of the economic security of the enterprise through the increase of energy independence (energy security), the formation of an additional source of income (financial security), updating of technical base (technological safety), image enhancement (market safety, communicative and environmental safety) ), achievement of ecological effect (ecological safety) is analyzed. This shows the ability of the energy component to positively affect the level of economic security of the enterprise. Thus, in the article it is proved that the development of alternative energy based on agro-industrial enterprises will create competition in the market for electroenergy and will reduce the need for import of fuel and energy resources.


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How to Cite
Dergachova, V. V., & Koleshnia, Y. O. (2018). ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION BY ENTERPRISES OF THE AGROINDUSTRIAL SECTOR AS A MEANS OF ENHANCING ECONOMIC SAFETY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 134-139. Retrieved from
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