• O. Vovk National Aviation University
Keywords: economic safety, efficiency evaluation, system, aircraft engineering companies, factors, criteria


The subject of the research is the system of economic security at the aircraft engineering companies. In the article to describe the process of assessing the level of economic security, the existing research is summarized. The structure of the components and factors influencing the effectiveness of ensuring the safety of the aircraft engineering companies is proposed. The indicator, functional, cost and other approaches to the assessment of the state of the system of economic security are generalized. In the field of aviation, existing research is devoted to the general issues of technology of compliance with air transport safety standards, financial aspects of security, economic safety of airlines and airports. The main features of aircraft engineering companies are the high cost and duration of the production cycle, the dynamics of technology development, the need for certification. The proposed sequence of assessments of the economic security system reflects a cost-effective approach, the application of which involves the valuation of reserves to ensure the continuity of production, creditworthiness and investment attractiveness; conditions for the formation of a competitive status; taking into account the innovative development of digital and information technologies.


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How to Cite
Vovk, O. (2018). EVALUATION THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 119-125. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/77
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