• I. Makaliuk National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • O. Voloshyn National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: intellectual business, international experience, human intelligence, intellectual entrepreneurship, knowledge economy


The article analyzes the main problems of the development of intellectual business in Ukraine and substantiates the areas of its improvement taking into account international experience. The factors influencing the formation of the sphere of intellectual business in Ukraine, including socio-psychological, professional, organizational, information-globalization, economic and political, legal, international, are determined. A number of problems are hampered development of intellectual business, among them: absence of effective interaction between the system of science and the system of entrepreneurship; underdevelopment of the institutional sector of the knowledge economy; insufficient state support for innovative entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture, etc. The sources of financial support of the intellectual sphere are presented and their structure is analyzed on the domestic market. The dynamics of the introduction of innovations at industrial enterprises during the last years have been characterized. The role of the state in ensuring the effective functioning of the intellectual and innovation sphere is determined. The tendency of a sharp decrease in the number of scientific workers in Ukraine from the 2000s to the present has been revealed. The international experience of state support of inventive and innovative activity is explored. A comparative analysis of the share of expenses on research and development works in relation to the gross domestic product in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union was conducted. The basic principles of conducting intellectual business in the context of stimulating its development are substantiated. The prospects of further research in the field of studying the possibilities of building up and using intellectual resources for ensuring the effective functioning and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy based on the positive experience of the states with a high level of development of the intellectual economy and innovative entrepreneurship are characterized.


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How to Cite
Makaliuk, I., & Voloshyn, O. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLECTUAL BUSINESS: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND UKRAINIAN REALITIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 103-109. Retrieved from
Practice innovation and entrepreneurship