Keywords: informational and psychological influence, behavioral reactions, informational and psychological operation, disinformation, protection, media literacy


In this scientific article it was defined the role of information and psychological influence in modern society and its influence on the formation of behavioral reactions in various spheres of life, in particular social, economic, cultural, military, security and personal. It was analyzed the methods of informational and psychological influence used to manipulate public opinion, consumer attitudes and personal beliefs, citing statistical data in the context of modern realities in Ukraine. It was proposed the strategies for protection against negative information and psychological influence, including the development of critical thinking, increasing the level of media literacy, information hygiene and psychological resilience, practice of protection on the Internet, and social support. It was determined that the relevance of further research in this area is due to the growing importance of information technologies in society. It has been established that the ability to recognize manipulations, check facts and manage one's emotions are the main skills necessary to preserve personal freedom and independence in the modern information space. It has been established that informational and psychological influence plays one of the key roles in the formation of behavioral reactions of both individuals and large social groups in all spheres of life. This influence is able to change the perception of reality, manipulate emotions, influence decision-making, and change social norms and values. Thanks to the use of various communication channels (mass media, social networks, advertising, propaganda, disinformation, informational and psychological operations, etc.), informational and psychological influence can form specific necessary behavioral reactions (support or resistance to certain actions, goods, political figures or ideas). Modern society, which is under constant informational pressure, needs the development of a high level of critical thinking and media literacy to protect against the negative consequences of this influence.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, M., Kuznietsova, K., & Chenusha, O. (2024). INFORMATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCE IN THE FORMATION OF BEHAVIORAL REACTIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 105-109.