Keywords: economy, industry, business analysis, efficiency, economic efficienc, enterprise, management


The aim of the proposed manuscript is to present the authors' understanding of the essence of business analysis and the consequences of its application for improving the economic efficiency of industrial enterprises. The necessity for this stems from the fact that without achieving consensus on the categorical apparatus, it is difficult to hope for pragmatic decisions to improve business-analysis processes at industrial enterprises in Ukraine. Without it, one cannot expect an increase in the efficiency of economic agents, especially when it comes to intellectual, digital, high-tech activities that offer their products to competitive segments of domestic and international markets. A special place among the miscopied by the industry, shipbuilding and ship repair. Their development is one of the most essential tasks of today. The article contains explanations about the core of analysis, business analysis and business analytics. It's emphasized, that the creation of relevant positions in the enterprise's staff structure is driven by the increasing volume of information that needs to be processed. Under such circumstances, top management is determined to delegate the performance of specific duties related to the preparation of business analytics to individuals with unique professional competencies, technical and software equipment. In response to inquiries regarding the categorization of information as Big Data, the article proposes criteria that, according to the authors’ conviction, should be used during identification operations. In addition to the physical volume of data, it involves its variety, veracity, the speed they are generated and processed at Based on experience gained while executing business analytics duties, the authors provide examples of software products used by specialists at Marine Design Engineering Mykolaiv. A graphic model of the business analysis process is developed. We are convinced that after detailing the stages and adapting them to the specifics of the enterprise, it can be used in practice. Especially since, compared to others, the model differs only in the volume of data circulating in the decision-making system, the technologies used to work with it, and the specifics of the personnel involved in analytical activities.


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How to Cite
ZhukovaО., Parsyak, V., & Polietaiev, D. (2024). APPLICATION OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS TO INCREASE THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 100-104.