Keywords: medical services, healthcare facility, management, quality, quality management system


The purpose of the article is to develop the conceptual provisions of the quality management system of medical services of health care institutions in the context of their implementation of the goals of sustainable development. The essence of the medical service and its quality criteria have been determined. The concept of the quality of medical services from the point of view of the patient, doctors and investors is revealed. The concept of the quality management system (QMS) of medical services is defined and the prerequisites for its formation and implementation are specified. The standards that establish requirements for quality management and which are expedient to use in health care institutions are described. The conceptual principles of the QMS of medical services are highlighted. The goal of the quality management system of medical services has been established. The specified tasks, the implementation of which allows you to achieve a defined goal (quality assurance, quality management, quality improvement). The concept of objects and subjects of the quality management system of medical services has been clarified. The principles (orientation on the patient, management leadership, involvement of personnel in the work process, systematic approach, continuous improvement, reliability of information, relations with interested parties) and functions (planning, control, analysis, stimulation of the quality of medical services) of the quality management system of medical services are defined. The stages of development and implementation of the QMS of medical services, which include the formulation of its purpose, goals and tasks, the definition of the scope of application, the development of the necessary set of documents, the formation of a system of monitoring, evaluation and quality control, implementation and certification, as well as the internal audit of the QMS of medical services, were studied. It was determined that the implementation of the QMS of medical services occurs as a consistent formation of certain levels of quality: ensuring the quality of medical services and ensuring the sustainable success of the health care institution as a whole.


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How to Cite
Hurzhyi, P. (2024). QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL SERVICES OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 95-99. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/33.16