• L. G. Smoliar National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • T. M. Lytvak International University of Finance
Keywords: alternative energy, innovative project, project management, biofuel


The main world trends in the development of fuel and energy complex are determined. The main principles of cooperation between Ukraine and EU in the field of energy policy implementation are examined. The main indicators of energy development in Ukraine and the dynamics of the cost of the main types of traditional fuels are analyzed. The feasibility of introducing innovative biofuel production projects are substantiated. The project based on the innovative technology of using the solar panel, which converts atmospheric carbon dioxide directly into hydrocarbon fuels, using only sunlight as a source of energy are presented. The features of "subversive innovation" are identified. The factors of providing management of an innovative project in the field of alternative energy are presented. The stages of the management process of the investigated innovation project such as: selection and formulation of project ideas, definition of strategic and tactical objectives of the project, writing a business model of the project, ensuring implementation, monitoring and acceptability of management decisions, monitoring and auditing of an innovative alternative energy project are formed. The factors of external influence on the development of the project on alternative energy, namely: the regulatory framework, conditions for attracting foreign investments, tax and credit incentives for alternative energy companies, source of funding for alternative energy projects, and infrastructure support are identified and analyzed. The basis of the legal framework for project implementation are determined. Prospective sources of financing innovative business in the field of alternative biofuel production are investigated. The elements of the infrastructure support for the development of an innovative project, based on consulting companies, business incubators, specialized state consulting structures are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Smoliar, L. G., & Lytvak, T. M. (2018). PROVIDING EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE BUSINESS USING THE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROJECT AS AN EXAMPLE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 89-94. Retrieved from
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