Keywords: quality, quality management, economics of quality management, international quality standards, quality costs


In the conditions of globalization and the development of international trade, the efficiency of enterprises on the foreign and domestic market depends entirely on the extent to which their products or services meet quality standards, therefore the problem of ensuring and improving the quality of products is relevant for all enterprises. The quality of products is one of the most important criteria for the functioning of the enterprise in conditions of market saturation and predominant non-price competition. Increasing the technical level and quality of products determines the pace of scientific and technical progress and the growth of production efficiency as a whole, significantly affects the intensification of the economy, the competitiveness of domestic goods and the standard of living of the country's population. Analyzing the ultimate goals of quality management, it is logical to conclude that the company's quality policy and motives for continuous quality improvement are directly related to economic factors. Therefore, quality management is aimed at achieving a competitive advantage, focused on the company's profit. In the conditions of the development of the world economy, the problems of ensuring the quality and competitiveness of products and services offered to consumers and a systematic approach to solving this problem have become acute. Issues of safety of products and services, production processes, as well as processes of sale, storage, transportation, operation and disposal of labor products are of particular importance. With the development of competition, a sharp aggravation of the environmental situation, and the depletion of natural resources, aspects of quality began to play a special role for product manufacturers. The article examines the main issues of the economics of quality management, it is concluded that investing in quality management is economically beneficial for the enterprise, as it leads to an increase in the competitiveness of the product in the sales markets and increases the actual productivity, reduces the real cost of production. In modern conditions, economically successful activity is ensured by the production of products that meet the requirements of international standards of the ISO 9000 series.


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How to Cite
Andrushkevych, N., Polova, A., Demkovych, T., & Bunieiev, I. (2024). THE IMPACT OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON THE EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 82-86.