Keywords: corporate culture, digital culture, digital skills, transport and logistics enterprises, international experience, digitalisation


The article considers current trends in the development of corporate culture of transport and logistics enterprises in the EU countries. It has been found that today European organisations are experiencing the growth and introduction of the latest technologies and the expansion of digital access, which will contribute to the digital transformation of organisations. To achieve this goal, various research methods were used, such as comparative analysis, systematic approach, structural analysis, factor analysis, synthesis method, formalisation, structural and logical generalisation. The purpose of the research is to study and analyse the current challenges of digital culture development based on the European experience. The article shows that digital technologies are widely used in enterprises in the EU countries. It is revealed that the insufficient level of digital skills of personnel can be a serious obstacle to successful digitalisation and effective development of an enterprise. It is established that today there is a general shortage of specialists with high digital skills in the EU labour market. It has been found that the majority of European workers have a basic level of digital skills. This indicates that staff can effectively use the digital tools and technologies necessary for their professional activities. It is found that businesses are actively developing the digital skills of their staff, which is a positive signal and indicates that managers are aware of the importance of digital transformation and are investing in preparing their staff for these changes. The study shows that the skills of European employees have changed over the past 10 years. There has been an increase in the importance of stress resistance and emotional intelligence, teamwork and cultural competence. The study shows that EU countries (Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland and Lithuania) have allocated significant resources to support digital business transformation and skills development for employees. The article shows that due to the lack of digital skills and low level of corporate culture, EU enterprises are experiencing layoffs and low quality of work.


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How to Cite
Chernukh, D. (2024). MODERN CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL CULTURE DEVELOPMENT: EUROPEAN PRACTICE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 61-66.