Keywords: modeling, martial law, indicators, bank lending, national economy


The relevance of the article is determined by the need to maintain an appropriate level of credit activity of banks in relation to the provision of monetary resources to economic entities. Statistically, it is shown that in 2005-2018 indicators of the cost of bank loans, according to the subjects of state support, increased dynamically. In the following years, there was a low trend. It has been proven that the period from the end of 2022 to the beginning of 2023 is characterized by persistent ephemerality of general bank lending to state-supported entities due to the terms of lending. Starting from the beginning of 2023, a steady trend towards an increase in total lending to non-financial corporations has been formed. It is shown that throughout the analyzed period, which began in 2005, Ukrainian financiers – non-financial corporations preferred lending in national currencies. It was determined that as of July 1, 2024, wholesale and retail trade have the largest concentration in the bank's loan portfolio; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, processing industry, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. It was established that during 2017-2022, the cost of loans to large business entities decreased by more than a third; medium – decreased slightly; small – decreased by more than a quarter. It is shown that during 2017 – the first half of 2024, there were significant structural changes in the structure of the bank portfolio of loans to non-financial corporations: a significant reduction in the share of large and small enterprises due to an increase in the specific weight of medium and micro enterprises. It was determined that the weighted average interest rates of deposit corporations on new loans to non-financial corporations decreased annually during 2017-2022. During January 2022 – June 2024, the dynamics of interest rates was described by a parabola with downward branches. During January 2022 – May 2023, the interest rate on loans to non-financial corporations increased, and by the end of the first half of 2024, it decreased to the level of May-June 2022. Businesses are recommended to develop strategies to manage risks related to financial conditions and access to credit to ensure sustainability in a changing financial environment.


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How to Cite
Cherednichenko, S. (2024). MODELING THE INFLUENCE OF MARTIAL LAW ON INDICATORS OF BANK CREDITING OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 54-60.