• Ya.I. Hlushchenko National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: mining enterprise, economic development, export, import, high-tech products


The purpose of the article is to assess the economic development of mining enterprises under the conditions of formation of a knowledge economy. Based on the analysis of data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine it is established that mining enterprises occupy more than 3% of total number of industrial enterprises. Further analysis has shown that the enterprises have positive financial results and since 2013y there is a steady tendency of predominance of the share of profitable enterprises. Using the data of the World Bank, the temporal aspect of export and import of mining companies' products has been determined, a comparative analysis of global trends in the export and import of ores and metals, and high-tech products has been conducted. It is established that Ukraine in terms of exports of ores and metals exceeds the value of the global index. The results of the analysis show that the exporters of ores and metals are predominantly the countries with a low level of innovation in the economy, while among the importers there are countries with developed economies and developing economies. It is established that the volume of import of ores and metals by Ukraine is less than the global index and the volume of exports. Diagnosing global trends in exports of high-tech goods has made it possible to state that the export of high-tech goods to Ukraine has almost doubled. However, the comparison of the share of exports of ores and metals with the export of high-tech goods indicates the prevalence of the first indicator. It is stated that in the conditions of further growth of production of high-tech products, economic development of mining enterprises can be ensured by the active introduction of new technology-intensive technologies, the development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing the cost of mining enterprises (production, overhead and sales).


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How to Cite
Hlushchenko, Y. (2018). ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF MINING ENTERPRISES IN LIGHT OF WORLD TRADE ECONOMICS KNOWLEDGE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 82-87. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research