Keywords: economics, types of maritime activity, maritime economic activity, maritime military activity, military navy, strategy, shipbuilding


The aim of the proposed manuscript is to outline the main ways (strategies) of increasing the number to optimize the structure of the naval fleet as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The vision regarding the types of maritime activities of any coastal country is provided. It is emphasized that its economic component (blue economy, sea economy) is becoming more and more important for the mobilization of the resources of the World Ocean in compliance with international environmental standards. The purpose of addressing them is to meet the needs of the inhabitants of the planet and the industry in resources that ensure its vital activity. The limitation of these resources sometimes leads to a struggle for access to the appropriate sources in the waters, on the bottom and under the ocean floor. Many examples are known when the clash of interests takes the form of a military-political confrontation. Therefore, maritime economic activity must be reliably protected from any external encroachment. This mission is performed by the Naval Forces of the state. A proposal on the definition of military maritime activity is included. This definition differs from those formulated so far in its brevity and unambiguous clarity. Based on information obtained from open sources of information, a comparison of the number of ships of the Navy of Ukraine and some member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was made. The discrepancy between the power of the military fleet of our state and even the small size of the Alliance countries has been established. This is evidence of the imprudence of all power structures since Ukraine gained independence. Options for strategies to change the situation in this area for the better are systematized and illustrated. Considerations are included on the advantages of each of them for solving current and long-term problems that have arisen now and are likely to arise in the future. Aid from foreign countries is vital in the ongoing war. At the same time, in the plans for the recovery of the country in the post-war period, it makes sense to emphasize the revitalization and strengthening of the position of the shipbuilding industry. Especially since some of its components have survived and continue economic activity.


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How to Cite
Zhukova, O., Parsyak, V., & Koba, M. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR RESTORATION OF THE NUMBER AND QUALITY COMPOSITION OF THE NAVY OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (33), 26-30.