Having identified European integration as a strategic direction of development, Ukraine undertook to implement a policy of sustainable development and carry out reforms in accordance with the requirements and standards of the EU. The example of the leading European countries testifies in favor of the formation of an entrepreneurial business model based on the principles of social significance. Providing a balance between achieving profit and solving social problems, which is an important condition for sustainable development, is facilitated by social farming. The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of social farming as a factor in the integration of agriculture into the international economic space. The article is devoted to the study of the economic essence of social farming. Attention is focused on the study of existing scientific approaches to the interpretation of the category "social farming", defining the differences between social farming and socially responsible farming. It was determined that social farming is an active entrepreneurial activity aimed at achieving social goals or making a social impact by conducting agricultural activities based on innovative solutions and business models that contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals. The usefulness of social farming for various subjects and institutions, its role in ensuring the successful integration of agriculture into the international economic space is determined. The article defines the task of managing the integration of agriculture through the activation of social farming. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of implementing the experience of social farming. It has been established that in modern crisis conditions, it is important to create social farming, which will allow to solve emerging social problems in a timely manner. Taking into account the basic conditions of operation, it is worth noting that social farming is multifactorial and controversial, and its role in solving social problems is sensitive.
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