Business intelligence information systems that integrate big data technologies are an important element in the modern economy, as they allow businesses to work more efficiently with large amounts of information, while receiving valuable analytical support for decision-making. One of the key aspects of using such systems is the ability to analyze data in real time, which allows enterprises to respond quickly to market changes and internal needs, which increases the accuracy of strategic planning, helps to optimize operational processes and reduces risks associated with incorrect assessment of market trends. Big data technologies combine information from a variety of sources, both structured and unstructured. The article analyzes the features of the development of information systems of business analytics using big data technologies. The role of business intelligence information systems using big data technologies in the context of digital transformation is determined. The key functions that each business intelligence system should include in the context of ensuring its effectiveness are analyzed. A number of modern technologies used for business analytics of large volumes of data have been identified. A SWOT analysis of the development of business intelligence information systems using big data technologies was conducted. Various technologies used to collect and process big data have been analyzed. It has been substantiated that business intelligence information systems using big data technologies are a key tool for modern companies seeking to improve the efficiency of their business processes and make strategic decisions based on objective data, because they allow analyzing large amounts of both structured and unstructured data from different sources, which makes it possible to obtain deeper insights and respond more quickly to changes in market conditions. As digital technologies develop and big data is further integrated into business analytical processes, their impact on productivity and competitiveness will only increase, which emphasizes the importance of further studying and implementing these solutions.
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