• Y. Vorzhakova Igor Sikorsky KyivPolytechnic Institute
Keywords: risk, personnel risks, personnel management system, risk management, effects of exposure, hazard


The article deals with the systematization of scientific views on the notion of risk, which made it possible to distinguish between two approaches to the interpretation of the concept of risk and to provide a schematic representation of the duality of the category "risk" as an object of the study of economic science. It is noted that in the conditions of globalization the negative effect of risks is aggravated, which increases the requirements to the system of risk management.
The economic category "personnel risk" was characterized and the existing approaches to the concept of personnel risks were analyzed, which allowed to reveal their features (qualitative, quantitative, value, organizational, managerial, personal). Three main approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of "personnel risk" are formed: threatening, classifying and dualistic. The detailed description of these approaches is presented, and based on the considered approaches, the author's approach to defining the content of the category "personnel risk" is given, taking into account its dualistic nature.
Existing approaches to the grouping of concepts allowed to establish the factors of the occurrence of personnel risks. The main reasons for the occurrence of personnel risks in modern conditions of management are revealed. It is noted that the reasons of the occurrence of personnel risks can be not only the actions of management personnel, but inactivity due to lack of experience, incompetence, insufficient level of qualification. The probable consequences of manpower risk manifestation in terms of their influence on the functioning of the economic system are analyzed. The necessity of taking into account the negative and positive consequences of personnel risks during the making of management decisions is proved. The generalized characteristic is given to the corresponding personnel risks, and the set of factors forming personnel risks is considered and is formed both from internal reasons and under the influence of the external environment. The threats that promote the occurrence of personnel risks at the enterprise are systematized.


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How to Cite
Vorzhakova, Y. (2018). FORMING AND EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC VIEWS СONCEPT OF "PERSONNEL RISKS". Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 76-81. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research