The article describes the process of forming an organizational and management mechanism for ensuring information security of business activity in the context of sustainable development. It is substantiated that the formation of an effective mechanism for managing business information security is important due to the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the modern business environment. It was determined that in the conditions of globalization and digitalization, companies face a wide range of threats, ranging from cyber attacks to financial crises, from regulatory changes to geopolitical instabilities. It has been proven that effective information security management allows a business not only to protect its assets and ensure stability, but also provides a strategic advantage by facilitating adaptation to changes, optimizing resources and increasing competitiveness. It is emphasized that without an effective management mechanism, a business may face financial losses, loss of reputation, legal sanctions and even the threat of bankruptcy. In contrast, a well-structured approach to security management helps create a resilient, flexible organization that can not only withstand adverse events, but also use challenges as opportunities for development and growth. The analysis of scientific research on the formation of organizational and management mechanisms for ensuring the information security of business activities was carried out. It was found that the organizational and legal mechanism, the mechanism for ensuring information security, is the most used in research, which in modern economic conditions does not reveal the main aspects of management and the possibility of rapid adaptation of economic entities to new challenges and threats. An organizational and management mechanism for ensuring the information security of business activity in the context of sustainable development is proposed, which is a complex system of organizational, managerial, methodological and instrumental measures aimed at identifying, analyzing and minimizing internal and external risks that may negatively affect the stability and sustainable development of the enterprise . This mechanism includes the processes of setting information security goals, choosing strategies and tactics for achieving them, developing and implementing specific risk management measures, control and auditing of the effectiveness of the measures taken.
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